News archive - Commission publishes new strategy on international cooperation in science and innovation

Commission publishes new strategy on international cooperation in science and innovation


On 18 May 2021, the European Commission launched a new strategy on international cooperation in science and innovation called 'Global Approach to Research and Innovation - Europe's strategy for international cooperation in a changing world'. While in principle, Europe's general openness to international cooperation is reaffirmed, a shift to a more nuanced approach can be observed. This approach includes an increased focus on issues such as fundamental values, a level playing field, and reciprocity. Moreover, strong emphasis is given to strengthening the EU’s leading role in supporting multilateral research and innovation partnerships to deliver new solutions to green, digital, health, social and innovation challenges.

The planned actions include support to researchers and their organisations to help accelerate sustainable and inclusive development in low and middle-income countries, e.g. through an ‘Africa initiative' under Horizon Europe, to strengthen cooperation with African countries. The Commission also intends to present guidelines on dealing with foreign interference targeting EU research organisations and higher education institutions. These guidelines will support EU organisations in safeguarding academic freedom, integrity and institutional autonomy. Horizon Europe will be a key instrument for the implementation of the strategy.

Communication on the Global Approach to Research and Innovation

EC press release

Source: ERA Portal Austria

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on May 20, 2021
Modified on May 25, 2021