News archive - WB economies in the focus of Slovenia's Presidency of the Council of the EU
During a visit to Greece, Slovenia's president, Janez Janša, said an "informal EU-Western Balkans summit" to be one of the highlights of Slovenia's presidency of the Council of the EU.
According to observers, the accession of the WB economies to the EU was delayed by different crises - the economic, followed by the migration crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic most recently. While North Macedonia and Albania "have more or less accomplished what was asked of them" and the Commission recommended commencing membership talks, several member states blocked such a next step.
Janša claimed that "Slovenia is trying to help the Western Balkan region by making a European perspective of the Western Balkans a reality", through the organization of an (informal) conference which is to focus on the aforementioned perspective.
- Slovenia
- Western Balkans
- General
Entry created by Admin on May 12, 2021
Modified on June 10, 2021