News archive - [Call Announcement] CfP: Virtual Symposium 'The Lines We Draw: US-Mexico and EU-West Balkans Borderlands

Invitation to virtual symposium on November 17-19, 2021. At this event, chapter proposals for an upcoming edited volume will be discussed on the subject of 'The Lines We Draw: US-Mexico and EU-West Balkans Borderlands'. Participants will have the opportunity to hear presentations of chapters in progress, share their ideas, meet the team, and have informal conversations with the editors about their potential contributions. The deadline for submitting chapter ideas is 10 November 2021. In case of interest in attending the symposium and/or submitting a chapter idea, contact the project coordinator Marina Lazetic (, or fill out this Google form:(

About The Edited Volume:

The book examines the landscape, economies, protests, and forms of creativity that emerge from current border management systems at the southern US and west Balkans borderlands. The book will be written for an interdisciplinary readership and will be accessible to those with a general interest in migration and the movement of people across borders. Between each chapter, a transitional section will draw connections using narratives, artworks, pictures, and dialogues constructed by the authors of the chapters and the research team, highlighting the collaborative nature, and relevance of the book. The joint creation of these “transition sections” by the authors of the book is a guided-effort to increase interdisciplinary collaboration for the benefit of academics, scholars and public consumers alike. The editors are interested in a wide range of types of writing and genres, including articles, essays, short stories, artwork, and others; and seek proposals for chapters discussing borders from any (inter)disciplinary perspective, with a particular interest in submissions on these topics: Comparing the EU and the USA border regimes; Deaths of migrants in the USA and/or EU borderlands; The ethics of border enforcement and externalization; Debates open borders and the human right to mobility; Displacement spurred by climate change and/or economic disaster. Proposals on other topics related to the EU and USA borderlands and border management regimes will be considered. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis and we will provide the response within two weeks of submission. The interdisciplinary, collaborative research team includes scholars, students, artists, and practitioners from the United States, European Union, Western Balkans, and Mexico. If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to attend a monthly meeting with the project coordinators and other contributors to the volume. For more information see:

Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Admin on October 25, 2021
Modified on October 25, 2021