News archive - ACTION - Grid Project on biomedical informatics, grid technologies and nanoinformatics
A new FP7 funded project (total funding: around € 1 million) called ACTION-Grid brings together a consortium of European researchers along with researchers in the Western Balkans, North Africa and Latin America to strengthen cooperation in the fields of biomedical informatics (BMI), grid technologies and nanoinformatics.
ACTION-Grid started June 1, 2008 and will run for a period of 18 months.
The project will develop training and mobility, and the results will be integrated with data from an automated inventory of BMI/grid/nanon methods and services delveoped by the ACTION-Grid Team, which can be accessed by researchers and users.
With the support of a panel of experts, the consortium will develop a White Paper with the aim of developing further initiatives. ACTION-Grid results will also be disseminated through an international symposium, as well as through specific publications, press releases and a website.
Further information:
Entry created by Elke Dall on August 5, 2008
Modified on August 5, 2008