News archive - "Investing in Success": Croatia involved in 3 out of 15 highlighted successful projects

The European Commission has published a booklet on the Horizon 2020 website entitled ‘Investing in Success: Research and innovation to boost growth and jobs in Europe’ highlighting 15 successful projects. This brochure presents a selection of results from EU-funded projects that have shown great strides in innovation and will make a positive change to our daily lives.The projects featured in ‘Investing for Success’ were selected from across a range of research fields. Croatia is involved in three out of those 15 successful projects - FIREROB (Croatia as coordinator) DE-LIGHT and NITROEUROPE.


DOK-ING was awarded a grant in the amount of EUR 803,000 for the technological improvements of the Jelka Fire Fighting System. The highly competitive award is a reflection of the hard work and innovation at DOK-ING.  Only 98 projects received funding European Commission Research Fund out of over 1000 applicants.

Through this program, a new joint remote control system is developed with incorporated video system with thermal cameras, GPS positioning system, pattern recognition system, and multilayer thermo reflecting paint. The project has gathered the consortium of four small & medium enterprises: Croatian DOK-ING as a coordinator, Spanish MESA, Greek Kampakas and Definet along with 2 scientific institutions: Croatian Institute of Naval Engineering and SCOT-Atri from Scotland.


  • FP7 Proj. N° 222303
  • Total costs:€ 1 050 000
  • EU contribution:€ 803 315
  • Duration:from: Jul. 2008 to: Jun. 2010

DE-LIGHT: Adapting Formula 1 technology to aid the rail industry

At first sight, train drivers’ cabs and Formula 1 cars may not seem to have much in common. But a research project funded by the European Commission has led to a potential breakthrough for the rail industry - by adapting technology most commonly found in high performance racing cars. The results promise to provide the rail industry with trains that are more environmentally-friendly, easier and cheaper to produce, and less costly for rail companies in terms of track maintenance. An all round win-win situation.

Participants: The Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, Finland, United Kingdom, Germany (Coordinator), Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Croatia, Romania


  • FP6 Proj. N° 31483
  • Total costs: € 3 710 000
  • EU contribution: € 2 500 000
  • Duration: from: Jan. 2006 to: Jan. 2010

NITROEUROPE - Shedding light on an overlooked threat to our planet

One achievement of the 27 million euro project was the establishment of a ‘European Nitrogen Budget’. This showed that Europe produces 15.6 million tons of Nr per year, with almost three quarters coming from fertilisers. The remainder is produced by combustion from transport or industrial processes.

The researchers were able to put an economic value on the effects of Participants Poland, Hungary, The  Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Estonia, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden Norway, France, Italy, Russian Federation, China, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Ukraine, Ireland, United Kingdom (Coordinator), Slovakia, Croatia, Finland, Austria, Portugal nitrogen pollution, estimating the total cost of the impact on human health, biodiversity and climate change at as much as 320 billion euros per year. Meanwhile, air particles based on Nr are reckoned to reduce average European life expectancy by six months.

Poland, Hungary, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Estonia, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden Norway, France, Italy, Russian Federation, China, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Ukraine, Ireland, United Kingdom (Coordinator), Slovakia, Croatia, Finland, Austria, Portugal


  • FP6 Proj. N° 17841
  • Total costs: € 26 970 000
  • EU contribution: € 16 600 000
  • Duration: from: Feb. 2006 to: Apr. 2011


Geographical focus
  • Croatia

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on February 7, 2012
Modified on February 7, 2012