News archive - Sign the Declaration to Simplify EU Research Funding

Do you agree that the administrative burden and the financial regulation of European research funding should be simplified? A group of scientists across Europe argues that the funding of European research should be based on trust and responsible partnering, while researchers in Europe face a lot of red tape and cumbersome financial regulations these days, and is therefore asking to simplify the existing administrative and financial rules... To sign the declaration and invite others to join visit, more than 10,329 researchers already signed (by April 19) but still not many from the Western Balkans!!

To sign the declaration and invite others to join, please click here.

Trust Researchers - A declaration to the attention of the European Council of Ministers and the Parliament

"Mutual Trust
Funding of research in Europe should be based on mutual trust and responsible partnering.

Focused on research
Research has to be funded according to the nature of research, meaning concentrated on output.

The European Research Area (ERA) should benefit from a consistent vision shared by all actors for funding research throughout the different programmes that is avoiding all kinds of unnecessary technical and administrative details but instead promoting key funding principles based on an appropriate level of accountability.

Research and development is of utmost importance for Europe and its future oriented development. However, we need effective, reliable and stable funding principles to make it happen.

Risk taking
Research and innovation are risk taking activities. An appropriate level of tolerable risks is vital for success and should be supported by European research programmes.

We ask the European Council of Ministers and the Parliament to urgently simplify the financial and administrative provisions related to the Framework Programme and other European funding instruments considering their important leverage effect for the competitiveness of the European Research Area."

Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 19, 2010
Modified on February 16, 2010