News archive - Hungarian Presidency Targets Simplification

The Hungarian Presidency of the EU will run from 1 January 2011 until 30 June 2011. In the field of research and innovation, the priorities for the Hungarian Presidency will be the simplification of FP7; the interim evaluation of FP7; and the preparations for the next Framework Programme.

For the first priority, simplification, the Hungarian Presidency will continue the work of the Belgium Presidency. Several reports and conclusions have been adopted on this front recently, including the Council’s Competitivenss Conclusions and the EP ‘Report on Simplification and the work towards the Revision of the EU Financial Regulation and its Implementing Rules’. The Hungarian Presidency therefore has a lot of support from other EU bodies in making progress on simplification.

In terms of the interim evaluation of FP7, the Presidency is planning to hold a high-level stakeholder workshop in Budapest in February and the Council and EP will be invited to discuss and comment on the report during early 2011. It is anticipated that research Ministers will have a first discussion of priorities for the next Framework Programme in early 2011, to coincide with the publication of the EC’s initial reflection paper and  consultation on the next Framework Programme.

Further information
The website of the Hungarian Presidency is available at:


Source: UKRO Newsletter, January 2011.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on January 13, 2011
Modified on January 13, 2011