News archive - [Event Announcement and Call for papers] International congress and exhibition “Electronics Goes Green 2012+”
Organised by Fraunhofer IZM and Technical University Berlin, the event is a cutting-edge forum for discussion on electronics and the environment. Leading technology experts and eco-designers will meet for four days of lectures, workshops and networking on this ever more important topic. Conference will take place in Berlin, September 9-12, 2012. Online conference registration will be available in March 2012. Submit your abstract for a paper or a poster by February 15, 2012.
Under the slogan, “Taking Green to the Next Level”, the program will feature exciting new approaches in green IT, life-cycle engineering, new technologies and all the latest issues in legislation and regulation, corporate social responsibility and managing critical resources and sustainability. The congress will include an exhibition of best practice products, where participants can get a hands-on look at all the latest in green technology and have a chance to meet with the developers and manufacturers of tomorrow’s technology today.
The event will build on the success of the last three “Electronics Goes Green” Conferences in 2000, 2004 and 2008, which were all attended by over 500 participants. Particularly exciting was the international character of the event –participants from over 35 different countries registered for the last conference. The plan is to seize this opportunity at Electronics Goes Green 2012 by including a special forum for scientific and educational exchange with emerging economies.
Call for Papers
Abstracts should cover at least one of the following topics:
- Legislative Developments
- Life Cycle Engineering
- Critical Resources and Sustainability
- Green IT
- New Technologies
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Management
For more detailed information on the individual topics, publications policy and instructions for authors please check the printable Call for Papers (444 KB).
Key dates for paper and poster authors
- Abstract deadline for paper and poster: February 15, 2012
- Confirmation of accepted abstracts: April 9, 2012
- Conference circular with the preliminary program May 31, 2012
- Deadline for submission of revised abstracts: June 15, 2012
- Registration deadline for speaker: June 30, 2012
- Deadline for submission of full papers: July 13, 2012
More information is provided at the conference website:
From: 9 September 2012
To: 12 September 2012
- International; Other
- Natural Sciences
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on December 19, 2011
Modified on April 11, 2012