News archive - Currently Open Calls of Cross-Border Programmes

Please find below a short overview on currently open Cross-Border Programmes with deadlines ranging from September 23, 2009 (!) and October 16, 2009.

Call identifier: EuropeAid/128739/L/ACT/YU - deadline: 23-09-2009

Applicants from former Yugoslavia are invited to present their proposals concerning the "Cross-border Programme Serbia - Montenegro under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)", aiming at promoting the collaboration between the two countries, in particular concerning the creation of  zone of collaboration in the economic sector. Further information:

Call identifier: EuropeAid/128806/L/ACT/YU - deadline: 06-10-2009

Applicants from former Yugoslavia are invited to present their proposals concerning the "Cross-border Programme Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)" for the development of good neighbourhood relations and in particular at cooperation in the economic anc socio-cultural field. Further information:

Call identifier: EuropeAid/128860/L/ACT/IPA - deadline: 16-10-2009

Applicants from all countries are invited to present proposals in the frame of the "Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina", aiming at strengthening economic cross-border relations and in particular at the promotion of the creation of a "common economic space" and at upgrading quality of live and social cohesion. Further information:

Call identifier: EuropeAid/128862/M/ACT/Multi - deadline: 16-10-2009

Applicants from all countries are invited to present proposals in the frame of the "Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia - Serbia", aiming at the promotion of socio-economic cooperation between the two countries and at reinforcing trans-national cooperation.

Further information:

All links as accessed on September 21, 2009.

Source: Newsletter InformaEuropa, September 15, 2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 21, 2009
Modified on September 21, 2009