News archive - Launch of the JRC Enlargement and Integration Action 2010

In support of the EU enlargement and integration, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) promotes the integration of organisations and experts from the two new Member States Bulgaria and Romania as well as candidate countries, potential candidate countries and non EU countries associated to FP7 within its research and technical activities.

Country Focus

  • New Member States NMS (Bulgaria and Romania);
  • FP7 Associated Countries FP7 AC (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland);
  • EU Candidate Countries CC (Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey);
  • Potential Candidate Countries PCC (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) as well as
  • the European Neighbourhood Policy Partner Countries ENPPC on an ad hoc basis.

The JRC Enlargement and Integration Action is promoting training, mobility and joint projects addressing specific needs of these countries and regions and includes temporary postings to JRC Institutes. Focus is on complex scientific and technical (S&T) issues underpinning EU legislation in areas such as sustainable energy, biotechnology, nuclear safety and security, food safety and quality, environment.

The scheme includes two instruments:

  • a call for expression of interest to work as seconded national expert or grantholder for 28 positions at JRC Institutes in S&T areas of EU policy relevance (deadline for grantholder submissions: April 15, 2010);
  • some 50 specialised workshops and advanced training courses on advanced methods and techniques for EU policies.

For further information, please click here


Source. JRC website, as accessed on February 17, 2010.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 17, 2010
Modified on February 17, 2010