News archive - The Spanish EU Presidency: Integration – Involvement – Inclusion

Integration – Involvement – Inclusion were the three axes on which Spain based its presidency in the area of research and innovation during the first half of 2010. These three piority areas have guided all activities undertaken by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, including 18 events, seven high-level meetings, one Informal Competitiveness Council in San Sebastián in February and two Competitiveness Councils in Brussels, in March and in May 2010.


The Spanish Presidency of the EU has taken an important step by addressing the issue of mobility and professional career opportunities for European researchers, first in the Competitiveness Council and subsequently by taking the Council’s conclusions to the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) for the first time, to allow specific measures to be taken within its area of responsibility.

Next to improving the working conditions of researchers, the Spanish Presidency has addressed an important number of specific issues such as the scientific infrastructures included in the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and support for women in European science and technology. These issues have been included in the conclusions of different aspects of the European Research Area (ERA) approved by the last Competitiveness Council in May.

The Spanish Presidency has also brought about substantial improvements to the governance of the European Research Council (ERC) and the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST). For the latter, these improvements now stronger reflect the Committee’s strategic role in building the European Research Area and hence, it has been renamed to “European Research Area Committee – ERAC”.

The Spanish Presidency has also promoted the adoption of conclusions from the Council aimed at providing political guidelines for the Committee and the Member States regarding the next European Research and Innovation Plan, which has been presented in September. The conclusions approved by the Council cover five broad areas: funding, markets, governance, regions and people, coinciding almost exactly with the areas covered by the State Innovation Strategy (E2I) currently being prepared by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.


Through this key area, the Spanish Presidency of the EU aimed to emphasise the need for science and innovation to address major challenges, starting with the economic crisis. This was the main topic of the San Sebastián/Donostia Declaration entitled “Science for recovery and economic growth: here and now” and endorsed by all EU Member States.

Important steps have been taken towards reducing bureaucracy within European R&D programmes and promoting the adoption of a set of conclusions on this matter at the Council meeting in May – steps, which will be taken up by the next presidency.


The Spanish Presidency also aimed to ensure that a knowledge-based Europe works towards a science sector that is more committed and of higher profile. Following the “Science against poverty” conference in La Granja (Segovia) in April, the May Competitiveness Council put the focus on developing the social dimension of the ERA as a cross-cutting means of promoting scientific and technological excellence, also exploring a common space between development co-operation and R&D, while at the same time reducing poverty and combating social exclusion.

Besides these topics, an agreement on the adoption of the BONUS Programme has been reached and the Spanish Presidency could take important steps forward in the negotiations on the ITER project.

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation also co-chaired the WBC Steering Platform on June 24 in Belgrade, where it also advocated for improving the governance of the same. The conclusions of this Steering Platform meeting can be found on pages 1 and 2 of this journal.

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Related users
  • Ms Evelina Santa

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 11, 2010
Modified on November 11, 2010