News archive - Call for bilateral projects between Italy and Croatia
Within the framework of the Scientific and Technological Co-operation Agreement between Croatia and Italy, signed in Rome on October 29th 1999, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the General Directorate for Cultural Promotion and Co-operation - Office V of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Deadline is October 31, 2008.
Projects may be submitted in the following priority research areas (projects submitted in other research areas will not be considered):
- Life Sciences
- Basic Sciences
- Health
- Energy and Environment
The same project must be submitted by the Croatian and Italian co-ordinators to their respective administrations. Projects submitted to only one of the two parties will not be considered.
Within the framework of the III. Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Co-operation for the years 2009-2010, 14 joint research projects will be admitted for funding.
Applicable rules and procedures can be received from the attachment.
Entry created by Elke Dall on September 16, 2008
Modified on September 17, 2008