News archive - [Event Announcement] Innovation in Small Countries - Small Places Can Change the World
The Fourth Fulbright Academy Conference explores innovation in "small places". Some fascinating developments are coming out of smaller countries: USA, India, China and other big countries do not have a monopoly on innovation. The conference will discuss how businesses, NGOs, governments and institutions of higher education in other parts of the world working individually or collaboratively to secure a better economic future. The conference takes place in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia March 24-27, 2008.
Smaller countries are laboratories for innovation - economic innovation, social innovation, scientific innovation. Because of their size, smaller countries also can be rapid adopters of new ideas and technologies. In addition, some of these small jurisdictions have carved out and maintain a niche in the global economy. How does this happen? What can Fulbrighters and leaders in other countries, businesses and organizations learn from your experiences? The program in FYR of Macedonia will be a place to learn, to share, to engage and to enjoy: four days of fun and education in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia, on March 24-27, 2009. For further information and registration: [] Registration is $400/person, with discounts for Fulbright scholars and participants from low- and middle-income countries, students, and other special guests. For example, the registration rate for participants from FYR of Macedonia and neighboring countries is $75/person. Proposed Topics for the Conference: * Innovation & Economic Development o Economic Policy o Small & Mid-sized Enterprises o R&D in the Private Sector * Private / Public Partnerships o Macedonia o the Balkan Region o International examples * Education & Training o Higher education o Workforce development * Innovation in Industry o IT / Telecoms o Agriculture The conference will have oral presentations, panel discussions, roundtables and poster sessions.
Entry created by Elke Dall on March 3, 2009
Modified on March 3, 2009