News archive - [Event Announcement] WBC-INCO NET Brokerage Event on FP7 NMP for Western Balkan Countries
WBC-INCO.NET project organizes a brokerage event for participants from Europe and Western Balkan Countries on EU FP7 Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies on 18 June 2010, in Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.
In the frame of the annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference in Turkey, NANO-TR-VI 2010, which will be held between 15-18 June 2010 at Izmir Cesme Altınyunus Hotel, a brokerage event on the EU FP7 Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials & New Production Technologies, sponsored by WBC-INOC.NET project, will be held on 18 June 2010, Friday, with the participation of researchers from Europe, Turkey and Western Balkan Countries.
The objective of this 6th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference is to bring scientists, students and engineers from different fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, engineering (electronic, textile, environment, mechanical), pharmacy and medicine to discuss the recent developments in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. For more information about the NANO-TR-VI 2010 Conference please see the Conference Website. The WBC-NMP Brokerage Event will be held at the last day of the conference.
The aim of the brokerage event is to facilitate the exchange of project ideas in this field and the development of project partnerships and consortiums. The event will host researchers from Europe, Turkey and Western Balkan Countries who will share their project ideas as well as their research interests and research capacities.
The participants of the Brokerage Event will also have the opportunity to participate the Conference during the first three days of the Conference (15-17 June 2010). Travel and accomodation costs totaling up to 400,00€ and the conference registration fees will be covered by the WBC-INCO.NET project for a limited number of participants of the Event. The participants of the brokerage event will be selected by a scientific committee. Selected participants will be informed about the details of the reimbursement procedure.
In order to participate the event, please fill in and return the Registration Form latest by 19 May 2010, to As the places and funds are limited, timely registration is advised.
Topics of the Brokerage Event is the same with the FP7 NMP 2011 Call.
Topics in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies are as follows.
NMP.2011.1.2-1 Development and up-scaling of innovative photovoltaic cell processes and architectures to pilot-line scale for industrial application, (Coordinated call with ENERGY) – LARGE
NMP.2011.1.2-2 New targeted therapy using nanotechnology for transport of macro-molecules across the biological blood-brain barrier – LARGE
NMP.2011.1.2-3 Active nanomembranes/-filters/-adsorbents for efficient water treatment with stable or regenerable low-fouling surfaces – SMALL
NMP.2011.1.3-1 New methods for measuring, detection and identification of nanoparticles in products and/or in the environment – SME
NMP.2011.1.3-2 Worker protection and exposure risk management strategies for nanomaterial production, use and disposal – SMALL
NMP.2011.1.3-4 European Platform on Nano Outreach and Dialogue (NODE) – CSA
NMP.2011.1.4-1 Large-scale green and economical synthesis of nanoparticles and nanostructures – LARGE
NMP.2011.1.4-2 Development of nano-scale detection and control techniques for large area substrates – LARGE
NMP.2011.1.4-3 Tools and methodologies for imaging structures and composition at the nanometre scale – SME
NMP.2011.1.4-4 Nanotechnology based implantable and interfaceable devices – SMALL
NMP.2011.1.4-5 Multiscale Modelling as a Tool for Virtual Nanotechnology Experimentation, (Coordinated call with Russia) – SMALL
Topics in Materials are as follows:
NMP.2011.2.1-1 Research and innovation for advanced multifunctional ceramic materials – SME
NMP.2011.2.1-2 Modelling of ultrafast dynamics in materials – SMALL
NMP.2011.2.2-1 Novel superconducting materials, architectures and processes for electro-technical applications – LARGE
NMP.2011.2.2-2 Biomaterials for tissue engineering for age-related cancer and sensory organ diseases - SMALL
NMP.2011.2.2-3 Materials for solid state lighting – SMALL
NMP.2011.2.2-4 Novel materials for replacement of strategic or scarce raw materials (platinum group metals and rare earths) – SMALL
ENV-NMP.2011.2.2-5 Development of advanced compatible materials and techniques and their application for the protection, conservation and/or restoration of cultural heritage assets (Joint Call with ENV) – SME
NMP.2011.2.2-6 Fundamental properties of novel superconducting materials (coordinated call with Japan) – SMALL
NMP.2011.2.3-1 Advanced packaging materials from renewable biogenic resources – SMALL (SICA: Latin America)
NMP.2011.2.3-2 ERA-NET on international actions on materials research – CSA
NMP.2011.2.3-3 ERA-NET on the development and application of new technologies for the detection of illicit drugs – CSA
NMP.2011.2.3-4 Networking of materials laboratories and innovation actors in various industrial sectors for product or process innovation – CSA
Topics in Prodcution are as follows:
NMP.2011.3.1-1 Eco-design for new products – SMALL
NMP.2011.3.2-1 Modelling and control of intensified process systems – SMALL
NMP.2011.3.4-1 Eco-efficient management of industrial water – LARGE
Topics in Integartion are as follows:
NMP.2011.4.0-1 New technologies based on physical processing of materials for mechanical or electro-technical applications – LARGE
NMP.2011.4.0-2 Advanced underground technologies for intelligent mining and for inspection, maintenance and excavation – LARGE
NMP.2011.4.0-3 Advanced textiles for the energy and environmental protection markets – SME
NMP.2011.4.0-4 Organisation of events related to the Presidencies of the European Union Supporting actions – CSA
NMP.2011.4.0-5 Support to Networks of Excellence with durable integrated structures – CSA
NMP.2011.4-0-6 ERA-Net on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European industries – CSA
NMP.2011.4-0-7 ERANET on Industrial Safety – CSA
Topics in Factories of the Future is as follows:
FoF.NMP.2011-1 The eco-factory: cleaner and more resource-efficient production in manufacturing – LARGE
FoF.NMP.2011-2 Cooperative machines and open architecture control system – SMALL
FoF.NMP.2011-3 Robots for automation of post-production and other auxiliary processes – SMALL
FoF.NMP.2011-4 High-tech solutions in the production processes for customised healthy, green and safe consumer products – SME
FoF.NMP.2011-5 Towards zero-defect manufacturing – LARGE
FoF.NMP.2011-6 Manufacturing chains for nano-phased components and coatings – LARGE
Topics in Energy Efficient Buildings and Green Cars are as follows
EeB.NMP.2011-1 Materials for new energy efficient building components with reduced embodied energy – LARGE
EeB.NMP.2011-2 New efficient solutions for energy generation, storage and use related to space heating and domestic water in existing buildings – LARGE
EeB.NMP.2011-3 Energy saving technologies for buildings envelope retrofitting – LARGE
EeB.NMP.2011-4 Geo-cluster approach to support European energy-efficiency goals – CSA
GC.NMP.2011-1 Advanced eco-design and manufacturing processes for batteries and electrical components– LARGE
For futher information about the brokerage event, please contact:
Filiz HAYIRLI (, Tel: +90312 4685300, extention:1910)
Abdurrahman TÜRK (, Tel: +90312 4685300, extention:4554)
WBC-INCO.NET Project Team
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
Hotels |
Rates |
Hotel Altınyunus (Golden Dolphin Hotel) Boyalık Mevkii, Kalem Burnu,35948 Cesme, Izmir - Turkey |
120 TL (approximately 65 Euro) |
Pırıl Hotel Çeşme - İZMİR / TÜRKİYE |
190 TL (approximately 100 Euro) |
Hotel Alabanda ILICA Mahallesi 5074 Sokak No:62 |
80 TL or 100 TL (approximately 45 Euro or 55 Euro) (depending on the type of the room) |
Inkim Hotel Izmir Caddesi 91/1 |
90 TL (approximately 50 Euro) |
Date: 18 June 2010 from to
- International; Other
Entry created by Filiz Hayirli on May 12, 2010
Modified on May 12, 2010