News archive - Swiss National Science Foundation Funds “International Exploratory Workshops”
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has introduced a new funding instrument - the “International Exploratory Workshops”, allowing for researchers working in Switzerland to organize workshops (two to five days) with partners from abroad. The seminar is to take place in Switzerland, but exceptions can be granted if justfied.
The aim of this funding instrument, which is open to all fields of research, is to allow researchers working on similar questions to meet and advance their knowledge on the issue. Typically, the workshops bring together scientists with different backgrounds so that they might bring new insights on a topic through knowledge sharing and working together for a few days. Interdisciplinarity and exploration are particularly encouraged. Furthermore, achieving a balance between established researchers and young promising scientists among the participants is strongly recommended. In any case, it must be demonstrated that:
- the workshop allows for an exchange of information that is not possible at distance;
- the workshop’s internationality brings an added-value;
- the workshop has a clearly defined scientific aim.
Eligibility criteria
The main applicant must be a researcher based in Switzerland that fulfils the following eligibility criteria:
- hold a doctorate (or an equivalent degree);
- be employed as a researcher in a Swiss research institute;
- have the approval from the director of the host institute to organise the workshop;
- must not have received funding for this instrument within the last two years (exception: follow up workshop).
The workshop must take place in Switzerland (unless exception is granted before the proposal is submitted) and the consortium must fulfil the following eligibility criteria (size and composition):
- four to ten participants;
- at least a third of the participants are based in Switzerland;
- participants come from two to four different institutes in two to three different countries;
- at most three participants come from a given institute.
A given consortium can apply once for a follow-up workshop within 24 months of organising the first one. After that, it is no longer eligible.
Source and further information:, as accessed on Mach 3, 2010.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- International; Other
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 3, 2010
Modified on March 3, 2010