News archive - FP7 Call for ERA-NET Activities in International Cooperation

The European Commission has issued a call for proposals for 'International Cooperation' activities under the Capacities programme of FP7 covering the activity area "Supporting the coordination of national policies and activities of Member States and Associated States on international S&T and technology cooperation" (ERA-NET scheme).

The European Commission has issued a call for proposals for 'International Cooperation' activities under the Capacities programme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The activity area covered by this call is 'Supporting the coordination of national policies and activities of Member States and Associated States on international S&T and technology cooperation'.

The objective of the ERA-NET scheme is to step up the cooperation and coordination of research programmes carried out at national or regional level in the Member or Associated States through the networking of research programmes, towards their mutual opening and the development and implementation of joint activities.

Under FP7 the ERA-NET scheme is continued and reinforced, notably through the introduction of the ERA-NET Plus actions in which the Commission will provide an incentive to the organisation of joint calls between national or regional research programmes by 'topping-up' joint trans-national funding with Community funding.

The budget for the call has been set at €11 million.

Further details:
For more information on funding for international cooperation activities under FP7, please visit:

Source: CORDIS News (RCN 28448) / Official Journal of the European Union (OJ C 230 of 2 October 2007, page 3)

Entry created by Elke Dall on October 8, 2007
Modified on October 17, 2007