News archive - Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia has opened new office to help researchers by applying for European Commision projects

Ministry of Science in cooperation with Academy of Science and Arts of Republic of Serbia, has opened on 4th of March an office to help scientists by applying for projects by European Commission. The Office is situated on address: Vlajkovićeva 2, fifth floor, Belgrade. Scientist could up till now turn to Sector for International Cooperation of Ministry of Science, that will proceed with activities and will help in the activities of the new office.

Scientists will receive notifications about the new calls from 7th Framework Programme, that are announced by European Commision. Besides, they will receive help by writing the applications and advice how to compete in the best possible way for the funding together with partner from consortium. In this way Serbia will try to increase number of successful application sent to Brussels. Workshops on writing the applications on regular basis will be organised, as well as the courses that will be adjusted to answer in the best way on specific question of scientists. Applications for FP7 projects need to be written in English, the team, scientists who want to benefit from the support of the office, need to possess good knowledge of English. Work versions of the proposals will be examined by director of the Office, according to the order of the applications recieved. Director will also analyse why some of the applications are declined, and he will use this experience to improve the applications for anew submission to European Commission.

The information are available on:
The information are in Serbian.

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 28, 2008
Modified on April 28, 2008