News archive - Workshop - The FOOD-CLUSTER initiative: a regional 'research capacity building cluster' for enhanced cooperation of European regions
The workshop the FOOD-CLUSTER initiative will take place in Brussels on October 8, 2008.
Developing geographical communities of businesses sharing a common interest – clusters – has become an established means of fostering regional development and innovation. This workshop will discuss the Food Cluster put in place at the beginning of 2008. It will include the scope of the original Food Innovation Network (FINE) project and the features it took into account and how these have been built on in order to work towards a more complete EU network of regions which have ambitions in food. Discussion will be promoted on the objectives, development and potential outcomes of establishing European clusters in the food sector.
The announcement is available in attachment.
Entry created by Elke Dall on September 23, 2008
Modified on September 23, 2008