News archive - [Event Announcement] 2nd European Energy Conference
This biennial European Energy Conference series, launched in 2010, promotes, consolidates and communicates the vitally necessary synergy of scientific and technical competence with knowledge on environmental and social implications. The conference will provide participants with a view and a vision on how the future of energy in Europe could look like. It will be the forum to define the role of energy science and research in the transformation process towards the future sustainable European energy system.The 2nd European Energy Conference will take place in Maastricht, NL from April 17-20, 2012 and will be chaired by Professor Harald Bolt, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Registration deadline: March 23, 2012.
The second European Energy Conference will take place at a time for strategic decisions. Energy is vital to our society and economy. The future European energy system has to be sustainable in terms of environmental and climate impact and also in terms of supply, industrial viability and societal acceptance. A resolution of this dilemma is imperative. Changes will, by necessity, happen on many different time scales from ongoing actions, to beyond 100 years. The challenges encompass many levels of complexity, from natural science research and engineering to social sciences, systems solution and actions and agreements at the global political level. This question of global future energy supply has to be addressed with objectivity and competence, without ideological bias. The European scientific community has the potential to optimise the necessary interdisciplinary cooperation and communication in energy research, development and the support to industrial innovation.
- Post deadline abstract submission is still open
- The conference programme:
The conference programme combines plenary keynote presentations on diverse energy themes during the mornings with devoted symposia in specialised fields in the afternoons. Keynote lectures will be given on overarching subjects of energy and associated climate research. Thematic symposia will be carried out within parallel afternoon sessions addressing more specific topics of the symposia.
Further documents available for download:
- E2C Conference Poster (PDF 2.35MB)
- E2C Conference Flyer "Registration is NOW Open" (PDF 107 KB)
- E2C Conference Flyer "Final call for Abstracts" (PDF 66 KB)
- E2C Information Pack (PDF 512 KB)
- Logo E2C
More information is available at the conference website:
The European Science Foundation,
the European Materials Research Society
and the European Physical Society
From: 17 April 2012
To: 20 April 2012
- International; Other
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- Humanities
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on February 17, 2012
Modified on April 17, 2012