News archive - [Event Announcement] Conference "European integration process in the new regional and global settings (EUintegRATIO)"

The International Presidency Conference is the main event of the 7 FP project "European integration process in the new regional and global settings". The Presidency Conference is included in the programme of the Polish Presidency and supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The conference is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The conference programme focuses on topics considered to be essential for the single market under the new settings, defined by globalization, technological and demographic change, new world political and economic interrelations, environmental change, scarcity of resources, political uncertainty, etc. The conference has two main goals. Firstly, to propose recommendations referring to different targets formulated in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Secondly, to suggest research topics crucial for strengthening the integration process of the EU in its multidimensional aspects. The conference will raise important issues, such as:

  • social challenges of the integration process in the EU from the perspective of intellectual capital,
  • financial stability after the crisis,
  • the European Union's security - energy policy aspects,
  • "Reducing regional development disparities in the Eu: a new financial perspective 2014-2020.


The conference will be attended by experts on European integration and intellectual capital, including representatives of the European Commission, higher education institutions, businesses, central and local government administration, think-tanks and European NGOs. The aim of the meeting is to hold a broad discussion on European integration, in particular initiatives for full use of Europe's intellectual capital. The above issues have been presented in the context of the principal challenges and initiatives which the European Union must adopt in the near future, including intelligent and innovative development, facing up to demographic changes, ensuring energy security, the effective functioning of financial markets and sustainable regional development.

This broad and multifaceted approach allows for the identification and extensive analysis of the activeness of various institutions and communities and for an exchange of experiences in this field. The meeting will be a chance to present the activeness of various institutions and communities, in particular initiatives adopted in Europe and Poland aimed at using intellectual capital in the process of public management. The conference organisers will be the Warsaw School of Economics and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.


Source: and

From: 19 October 2011
To: 21 October 2011

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 9, 2011
Modified on July 13, 2011