News archive - Ideal-ist - the worldwide ICT support Network assists you in finding international partners face2face or online
Ideal-ist offers brokerage events with pre-arranged face2face meetings and has also opened its well established, online partner search tool to cover even more activities along the innovation chain in ICT. Starting with activities in the Framework Programme for EU Research for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) to regular Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to activities in the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) like the ICT Policy Support Programme – Ideal-ist supports you to find project partners for collaborative research projects.
The next brokerage event will be organised within the ICT Proposers' Day 2011 (May 19/20, 2011)!
By using these successful services anyone can find appropriate partners for their project, or find a project to join.
Registration for the ICT Proposers’ Day in Budapest on May 19/20 is now open.
In cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network, Ideal-ist is organising a brokerage event with prearranged face2face meetings within the ICT Proposers’ Day 2011. This networking event will target a wide spectrum of companies, universities and researchers from Europe interested in sharing new project ideas and finding collaboration partners. It will be focused on FP7 ICT Call 8 and 9. To participate in the Ideal-ist brokerage event you first need to register at the EC site of the ICT Proposers’ Day 2011. Use your registration data to submit your cooperation profile for the Face2Face meetings. This networking opportunity will especially help Newcomers to reduce barriers to future participation and they can be connected with successful proposers that have already gained previous project experience. Ideal-ist also promote and have representatives at major events.
The next events with Ideal-ist participation are Smart Systems Integration (March 22/23, Munich) and The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011 (May 4-6, Budapest).
Success rate of the Ideal-ist online partner search facility is almost 100% i.e. virtually every proposer who launched a partner search using Ideal-ist, found a key partner for their project. This is exactly what Idealist aims to do: support proposers to find the right partners for projects while building a consortium. After filling in the project idea in the application form, proposers will receive valuable feedback from the Quality Team, that can be used to improve the whole project idea. This unique feature distinguishes Ideal-ist from most other available partner search facilities which is proven by its track record over the last 14 years!
Project ideas that had been quality checked and quality labelled by the Ideal-ist support network, performed much better in the European Commission’s evaluation, than the ones published without the quality label.
Response to Ideal-ist partner searches in ICT Call 7 was very high, with more than 60 replies to each search. Ideal-ist supported 49 partner searches, which lead to 483 partners being found for these project proposals.
Furthermore, Ideal-ist gives guidance to newcomers and less experienced organisations on how to get started in FP7. Ideal-ist offers support on how to overcome obstacles, which hinder participation, such as lack of experience and a lack of contacts and awareness. Once these obstacles are overcome and a project proposer participates in a funded project, many barriers to future participation are reduced.
For further enquiries please contact:
Stefan Lasser
Public Relations Idealist c/o Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Phone: +43 (0) 5 7755-4204
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IDEAL-IST press release.
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Ideal-ist web portal
About Ideal-ist
The main goal of Idealist is the enhancement of the trans-national cooperation between the ICT National Contact Points (NCP) within FP7 and an overall improvement of NCP service quality across Europe in the dynamically growing area of ICT. Ideal-ist is part funded by the European Commission; its network consists of 67 international ICT partners. The consortium partners are from EU and Non-EU countries, including Associated States, Eastern European Partner Countries (EEPC), Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) and emerging countries like China, Brazil, India and South Africa. This is in line with the international cooperation strategy of the European Commission. In this light Ideal-ist supports research organisations and companies worldwide to participate in FP7. Ideal-ist is the first and unique quality labelled international ICT partner search network with 14 years experience.
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on March 23, 2011
Modified on March 23, 2011