News archive - [Event Announcement] Networking Event „SSH Goes Global“ to take place in Istanbul on Sept. 21
The networking event "SSH Goes Global" aims at providing first-hand information about the upcoming call for proposals FP7-SSH-2011, to be launched in summer 2010, and at bringing SSH researchers and stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organisations and SMEs) together to meet both potential coordinators and potential project partners in a fruitful networking environment.
It will especially focus on topics related to the general research fields of “Combating poverty in an international context“ and “The European Union and its relations to the world“.
This event gives participants the unique opportunity to build consortia for the next Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities call in FP7.
Participation is free of charge. For detailed information about registration and the agenda of the event, please visit the event webpage:
Date: 21 September 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 6, 2010
Modified on June 16, 2010