News archive - [Event Announcement] Conference and workshops: The Paradox of the Bologna Process – Education, Mobility and Employment in the Danube Region
The international conference "The Paradox of the Bologna Process – Education, Mobility and Employment in the Danube Region" will take place in Vienna on December 5-6, 2011. Registration deadline is December 1, 2011.
The participants will be wellcomed by Erhard Busek, Chairman of the IDM, Dirk Fassbender, Deputy Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, Katharina Cortolezis-Schlager, Member of the Austrian Parliament and of the IDM Board and by Mr. Heinz K. Becker, Member of the European Parliament (Comittee on Employment and Social Affairs).
The following speakers from WBC will attend the conference:
- Miroslav Veskovic, Rector of the University of Novi Sad, Serbian coordinator of PA 7 (Development of the Knolwdge Society) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Aleksa Bjelis, Rector of the University of Zagreb
- Mladen Dragasevic, Head of Building Human Capital and Cross-Cutting Unit of the Regiona Cooperation Council, Sarajevo
- Jana Bacevic, Central European University, Budapest and Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade
The conference programme: an overview (for further details please refer to the full conference programme attached below)
December 5, 2011
- Panel 1: Main Objectives of the Bologna Declaration, ist Subsequent Communiqués and their importance for the Danube Region
- Panel 2: A "Europe of Knowledge" vs. its Administrative Borders: The Effects of Supranational and National Immigration and Visa Regimes on Mobility within the Danube Region
- Workshop 1: A "Europe of Knowledge" vs. its Administrative Borders - Improving Mobility within the Danube Region
December 6, 2011
- Panel 3: The Common European Labour Market: Chances and Obstacles regarding Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Transfer and Mobile Workforce from the Perspective of the Danube Region
- Panel 4: Future Prospects of the European Higehr Education Area (EHEA): Realising the Concepts of Higher Education as "Public Good" and "Public REsponsibility" within the Danube Region
- Workshop 2: Possibilities to REalise Lifelong Learning within the Danube Region
- Workshop 3: Factors for a Successful Implementation of the Bologna Process along the Danube
For more information please contact:
From: 5 December 2011
To: 6 December 2011
- International; Other
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 24, 2011
Modified on November 24, 2011