News archive - The Union for the Mediterranean and Its Research Agenda
The cooperation between the EU and the Union of the Mediterranean (UfM) is multifaceted and includes a wide range of joint programmes. A special priority is set in the areas of science, innovation and research.
The EU policy toward the Mediterranean countries became a priority and developed a clear profile during the Barcelona Process. The EU and the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) expressed their shared wish for a Mediterranean space of security, economic development and socio-cultural exchange, implemented through Association Agreements between the EU and the MPC. Since 2008, the UfM intends to rebuild the EU-MPC cooperation on the basis of a co-presidency.
The European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) through the ENPI Regional Indicative Programme for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership is one of the most important tools for funding EU-MPC cooperation and is supported by a total of € 343.3 million for the period 2007– 2010, following the priorities defined in the Barcelona Process. The cooperation in the fields of research, development and innovation is materialised in numerous instruments. FP7 is open to partners from all MPC in most of its actions, with a special targeted Call for Proposals addressing “Specific International Cooperation Actions” covering topics of mutual interest. The Euro-Mediterranean Industrial Cooperation Programme is an instrument created in the Barcelona Process and is3financed by the provisions of the Bilateral Association Agreements and the ENPI. Further instruments are the Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the EUREKA Intergovernmental Programme – both open to the participation of the MPC.
RTD cooperation is a high priority in several actions of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, notably the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development, including the project Horizon 2020 aimed at decontaminating the Mediterranean Sea, and the integration of the energy, transport, ICT and research markets. Other concrete priority areas promoted and specific projects are Maritime and Land Highways, Civil Protection, the Mediterranean Solar Plan, Higher Education and Research, Euro-Mediterranean University and The Mediterranean Business Development Initiative.
Author: Rafael Rodriguez-Clemente.
- Europe
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 24, 2010
Modified on June 24, 2010