News archive - Call for Papers on Europeanisation and Enlargement - Deadline Approaching
Organisers are calling for papers on the theme of the workshop on Europeanisation and Enlargement to take place in Bucharest on June 11-12, 2010. Deadline: February 10, 2010.
The organisers welcome papers within political science, political economy and international relations, whilst being open to papers on these themes in cognate disciplines. The papers that focus on public policy and/or institutions within a relevant domestic setting, comparative analyses and single case studies are welcome.
Background information
"The region exhibits an exceptional diversity of conditions in this respect: between recent entrants, applicant states, pre-accession states, a special strategy for the newly-defined ‘Western Balkans’, and countries coming under the ‘European Neighbourhood Policy’", as organisers write. "They seek to extend and update earlier research, with a longer temporal perspective and a greater cross-comparison according to type of EU-status. There is much scope here for illuminating research and discussion."
All papers delivered will be made available online via the organisers' websites (LSEE Research on South Eastern Europe/European Institute/London School of Economics and Political Science and the Center for European Studies/National School of Political Studies and Public Administration/Bucharest). Papers may be submitted in English or French.
If you are interested in submiting a paper, please send an abstract of 3 - 500 words by e-mal to
The deadline for abstracts is February 10, 2010. Acceptance of paper proposals will be communicated by March 1, 2010.
Source: Social Science News February 2010.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- International; Other
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 2, 2010
Modified on February 2, 2010