News archive - "Intelligent Energy Europe" Call for Proposals - Croatia Eligible
Intelligent Energy Europe supports EU renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, encourages the uptake of proven intelligent energy solutions and thus helps reach the 2020 targets. The programme is endowed with a total of €730 million for the years 2007 to 13. The next call for proposals will be launched in March. Croatia is the only WBC eligible.
Deadline for submission is June 24, 17:00 local Brussels' time.
The 2010 call for proposals
The expected publication date for the 2010 call for proposals, for which Croatia will be eligible, is mid-March 2010. The expected deadline for applying is mid-June 2010.
Funding will be provided for promotion and dissemination projects, i.e.projects which
- help deliver the key EU climate change and energy objectives
- match the priorities of the IEE Work Programme 2010
- involve at least 3 partners from different countries
- take 2 to maximum 3 years to deliver
- are not a “hardware” type investment or research & development project.
Who can apply for funding?
- Any public or private organisation established in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Croatia
- International organisations
- Individuals cannot apply
The 2010 funding areas will be:
- Energy efficiency (SAVE)
- Energy-efficient transport (STEER)
- Renewable energy sources (ALTENER)
- Integrated initiatives
Source and further information: please click here.
- Croatia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 17, 2010
Modified on February 17, 2010