News archive - Event Announcement: Innovation in higher education - what research agenda is needed?

For February 29, 2008, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) cordially invites senior policy staff to participate in the second EAIE Executive Forum, 'Innovation in higher education - what research agenda is needed' at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

The Executive Forum is supported by the Association for Studies in International Education and its Journal of Studies in International Education.

Topic and objective
Higher education institutions worldwide consider internationalisation to be a major priority in the 21st century. More and more research is conducted in this field, but as the internationalisation of higher education becomes more widespread and adapts to meet the demands of society, so too will research. What type of research agenda is needed to study these changes and innovations? The objective of this Forum is to define common themes for a new research agenda in response to the needs of institutions, national governments and international bodies and agencies.

The Forum will discuss the link between research and practice in the internationalisation of higher education with input from different stakeholder perspectives and keeping the following four research themes in mind:

  • core areas (research, teaching and learning, staff and students) of higher education versus periphery (supranational organisations, governmental authorities and agencies, institutions and international offices)
  • cooperative internationalisation versus competitive globalisation
  • physical mobility versus internationalisation at home.
  • normalisation versus specialisation of internationalisation

Discussion leaders
The discussions will be led by Hanneke Teekens, Director of Communication at Nuffic and Chair of the Association for Studies in International Education, The Netherlands and Hans de Wit, Dean at Windesheim Honours College and Editor of the Journal of Studies in International Education, The Netherlands. They will be joined by a range of international speakers providing short provocative introductions followed by ample space for debate.

Target audience
The Executive Forum has been specifically developed for senior policy staff, and as such we kindly request that this invitation be given to the relevant staff in your organisation. Participation in the Executive Forum is limited to 100 participants.

More information
Further details on the Forum, speakers, a draft programme and registration are available at
Contact Yvonne Bos at the EAIE Secretariat

Registration deadline: 18 January 2008

Source: e-mail

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 8, 2008
Modified on January 9, 2008