News archive - Event announcement: Networked and Electronic Media Summit 2008
The NEM European Technology Platform is very pleased to announce that its 2008 NEM Summit will be organised on October 13-15, 2008 in Saint-Malo (France), under the aegis of the European Commission's DG Information Society and Media.
NEM European Technology Platform, with the support of the European Commission's DG Information Society and Media, is launching a new Networked and Electronic Media Summit (NEM Summit), which aims to be a major annual conference and exhibition devoted to the field of Networked and Electronic Media and ICT at large, giving a key opportunity for organisations in Europe and worldwide to:
- Share information and viewpoints on R&D status in this area
- Network with peers from all over the world
- Get up-to-date and reliable information on the technology and market perspectives
The NEM Summit will gather representatives from Europe and worlwide:
- Major manufacturers and service companies
- Start-ups and SMEs
- Research centers and institutions
- Industry associations and groups
- Standardization and regulation bodies
The NEM Initiative is very pleased to announce that 1st NEM Summit will be organised on October 13-15, 2008 in Saint-Malo (France). The 2008 NEM Summit "Towards Future Media Internet" will provide a unique opportunity to network and share information and viewpoints on R&D status and perspective in this area. The conference will address topics related to:
- Electronic Media Content
- Distributed Media Applications
- New Media Delivery Networks and Network Services
- User Devices and Terminals
- NEM Enabling Technologies
It is expected that the event will gather 400 to 500 representatives from the industry and research ICT community worldwide to share experiences and research results, identify future trends, discuss and identify opportunities for research collaboration.
More information about NEM Summit can be found on the Summit website:
Entry created by Elke Dall on September 23, 2008
Modified on September 23, 2008