News archive - EUREKA Database on Automation, Lasers, Robotics and Production Technologies

EUREKA has recently created a database on automation, lasers, robotics and production technologies database serves as a tool to enhance the possibility of finding suitable partners to build good consortia for projects within the EUREKA Initiative, with the help of industrial experts platforms like PRO-FACTORY (automation, materials, robotics and production technologies), ENIWEP (tribology) and EULASNET II (laser technologies).

Benefits of the platform:

  • Organisations can present themselves, their expertise and offer their core know-how for participating in market-oriented cooperative RTD projects.
  • Furthermore, they can also present some RTD project ideas looking for partners.
  • Finally, they can also find potential partners from the EUREKA countries that are already registered.
  • On the basis of this database, organisations can express their interest to participate in the project, by presenting their organisation, their skills and added value to the project.

For further information, please contact your national EUREKA project coordinator or

Click here to go to the database, register your organisation and insert your R&D profile.

Source and further information:, as accessed on November 20, 2009.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 20, 2009
Modified on November 20, 2009