News archive - [Event Announcement] Transport and logistics ICT solutions - from EU projects to business practice

 The B2B LOCO project invites you to participate at the international conference on 27th of May in Grand Hotel Metropol, Portoroz, Slovenia:

“Transport and logistics ICT solutions – from EU projects to business practice”to be held together with the “International Conference on Transport Science – ICTS 2011” organized by Slovenian Society for Transport Science.

The participation is free of charge, registration deadline: May 23, 2011.

The participants of the “Transport and logistics ICT solutions – from EU projects to business practice” will have the opportunity to:

  •  familiarize with best practice solutions developed from EU projects in logistics and transport
  • learn how enterprises may benefit from European Projects
  • gain first-hand experiences on participation in EU projects and in Seventh Framework Programme

 Agenda, registration form and other information are available at 

 For all additional information please contact Mrs. Katja Hanzic at


Source: Transport Economics Centre, University of Maribor

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on May 13, 2011
Modified on May 13, 2011