News archive - End of SEE-ERA.NET
The project SEE-ERA.NET, which had started in September 2004, was successfully finished in August 2009. The last
months of the project were especially dedicated to the production of the booklet on the scientific results of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call as well as to an update of the Joint Action Plan.
SEE-ERA.NET succeeded in reaching its goals of enhancing research co-operation between EU MS and SEE countries and fostering the integration of this area into the ERA. This was achieved by a systematic exchange and dissemination of information and best practice models on bilateral RTD activities.
The project contributed to a sound understanding of research systems and policy approaches in the SEE-ERA.NET partner countries. It conducted needs analyses from the viewpoint of researchers, RTD organisations as well as policy makers in the target countries. Furthermore, it supported the policy dialogue on ERA integration of the WBCs and related awareness raising activities in the EU. Apart from this, the identification of complementary approaches was followed by the implementation of joint instruments and initiatives, including a joint “evaluators’ database” and the Pilot Joint Call for research proposals in 2007.
The final closing ceremony will take place in Zagreb in October 2009 within the frame of the meeting held by the Steering Platform on Research for the WBCs. The coordination institution, the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), will invite to an official dinner in order to honour the achievements of the project and to thank the project members and others for their commitment.
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 27, 2009
Modified on October 27, 2009