News archive - Scientix Conference: summary and main recommendations
The summary of the Scientix European Conference held in Brussels on May 6-8, 2011 has been published. It recapitulates the conference presentations and talks and highlights the main topics discussed. Also available online are the conference presentations, as well as the posters from the conference poster session and photos.
“Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality” - Sir John Holman used this quotation from Goethe to kick-off his conference keynote speech. Whereas it is certainly true for today’s science, science teachers can still feel trapped within the borders of their countries. The Scientix European Conference aimed to break down these barriers and lay the ground for a European community for science education. More than 400 teachers, researchers, policy-makers and other stakeholders from over 40 countries gathered in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the current challenges for science education.
The conference opened with speeches by Mr Robert-Jan Smits, Director-General of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation DG and Sir John Holman from the University of York, UK.
Summary, conference presentations and other document can be downloaded here.
Source: SCIENTIX, The community for science education in Europe.
- European Union (EU 27)
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 15, 2011
Modified on June 15, 2011