News archive - Event Announcement: Funding, Equity and Efficiency of Higher Education - Update

A conference on the topic of Funding, Equity and Efficiency of Higher Education will be held in Portoroz (Slovenia), November 21-24, 2007. A special focus will be given to the South East European countries. Deadline for registration is October 15, 2007.

The conference focuses on three great challenges that the higher education financing faces today throughout Europe and across the world. The first of these is how to find additional resources needed to improve quality of higher education, develop new programs, increase its capacity, and guarantee stability. The second is how to increase equality of access to higher education for different socio-economic groups; and the third is how to improve the efficiency of use of available resources. Special attention will be paid to the issue of funding and its impact on equity and efficiency of higher education.

The conference will bring together policy makers, rectors, deans and directors of higher education institutions, scholars, students, and representatives of enterprises to discuss the above-mentioned challenges to higher education. The conference will focus on Europe, with special attention to former socialist countries.

Keynote speakers are some of the major world experts in the field (Dr. Petr Mateju, Dr. George Psacharopoulos, Dr. Jamil Salmi, Dr. Hans Vossensteyn, Dr. Maureen Woodhall and Dr. Adrian Ziderman). Papers by authors from 20 countries (mainly European ones) will be presented.

Full details about the conference are available online at Preliminary program is available on: (the final program will be available soon).

Language: English
Fee: 290€
Deadline for registration: October 15, 2007
Organiser: Institute for Economic Research Ljubljana, Faculty for Management Koper, University of Primorska
Venue: Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portoroz
Contact: University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, Cankarjeva 5, 6104 Koper, Slovenia
Tel.: +386 5 610 2012
Fax: + 386 5 610 2015

Please check the conference website regularly for updates and additional information.

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 19, 2007
Modified on June 28, 2007