News archive - Present your ICT Project Ideas and Find Research Partners at eChallenges 2010 Thanks to WINS-ICT
Would you like to present your project ideas, get to know new trends and technologies from all over Europe and meet potential project partners in face-to-face meetings? If you answered “YES”, then make use of WINS-ICT's networking and brokerage activities at eChallenges e-2010!
What is eChallenges e-2010?
This is the twentieth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 650 delegates from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt and good practice in the areas of:
• eInfrastructures
• ICT for Networked Enterprise & RFID
• eGovernment & eDemocracy
• eHealth
• Collaborative Working Environments
• Living Labs
• Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage
• Technology Enhanced Learning
• Intelligent Content & Semantics
• High Performance Computing Applications
• Security and Identity Management and Mobility
More information is available on:
What does WINS-ICT organise at this Conference? And how to participate?
1. "Network EU and WBC research opportunities: final WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS promotional even" - Networking Session 8e on October 28 between 16:00 – 17:30
This is a 90 minute event aimed at generally presenting the Western Balkan Countries as an appropriate counterpart in EU funded ICT research initiatives. Data on the WBC capacities and participation in the EU ICT programme will be presented, as well as success stories from the region or from the WB research diaspora in Europa. It will be not only an opportunity to meet and network with representatives of WB organizations but also to learn what EU support actions, such as WINS-ICT and ICT WEB PROMS, have achieved in the region- finally there will be the possibility to discuss on the still existing challenges and how EU-WBC can further improve.
For more information contact: Huseyin Metin (Turkey),
2. "Find your ICT Research Partners. Joint Brokerage Event by Ideal-IST, WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS" - Face to Face Meetings Session 9am and 10am on Friday , October 29, between 09:00 – 12:30
This is a 3-hour face-to-face meeting event targeting researchers and organisations from the WB countries and from the EU. It provides the opportunity for presenting yourself and your organisation, your skills and capacities, your project idea so as to eventually broaden your partnership network.
Find out more and register to this event on:
Contact person responsible for the organisation and moderation of the brokerage event:
Claudia Mühlenfeld (Germany),
Danial Cosnita (Romania),
Source: Désirée Pecarz/WINS-ICT.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 12, 2010
Modified on October 12, 2010