News archive - [Event Announcement] International Conference in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development
The International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD) Consortium was formally established in 2008. It is a multi - disciplinary and cross-sectoral network crossing several streams of theory and practice, namely entrepreneurship, innovation, regional economic development and information systems.
The key areas of the conference are:
- Entrepreneurship as a process of identifying opportunities and putting useful ideas into practice; Innovation as the driver of national, regional and global economy;
- Regional development and the possibilities and barriers for closer cooperation between South East European economies.
Participants are invited to submit their papers (deadline for submission of abstracts: January 22, 2010).
Further information is available online at:
Event date:
From: 27 May 2010
To: 29 May 2010
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 12, 2009
Modified on October 12, 2009