News archive - Questionnaire on "Impact of University Business Start-up Centers on the Development of Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans Countries"
The questionnaire is aimed at young entrepreneurs who undergone entrepreneurial education at University Business Start-up Centers in the Western Balkan countries. It is created in the framework of a Master's thesis which is aimed to determine the level of importance of entrepreneurial education and its impact on the development of young entrepreneurs.
The research is carried out by Sanja Hajdukov,, Faculty of Economics, University of Tuzla under the supervision of associate professor Dr. Bahrija Umihanić (
The intention is to get the relevant information related to importance of entrepreneurial education in the university's Business Start-Up Centers and its impact on development of entrepreneurship at Western Balkan Countries. The questionnaire was designed so that all questions can be answered by checking the statements with which you agree, quickly and easily. The Master's thesis entitled "The impact of University Business Start-up centers on the development of entrepreneurship in the Western Balkan’s Countries” will be completed only thanks to your understanding and cooperation.
Ms. Hajdukov emphasizes that the answers you provide will serve exclusively for scientific research purposes.
Submition of completed questionnaires by e-mail hajdukov.sanja @ or sanja.hajdukov @, the sooner the better.
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 29, 2011
Modified on July 29, 2011