News archive - SEE Programme selects its first projects
A number of 42 high-quality and innovative transnational cooperation projects have been selected by the Monitoring Committee of the South East Europe Programme during its meeting in Vienna on 10-11 March 2009. The funds allocated to the 1st call projects amount to roughly 37 % of the Programme overall ERDF budget allocated to projects.
The call has followed a two steps approach. Within the first step, a number of 821 valid Expressions of Interest have been submitted, out of which 95 have been selected for participating in the second step and invited to submit a full application. During the second step of the call, which was closed on 21 November 2008, a total number of 90 project applications have been received. The successful projects have been chosen out of the 71 applications which have fulfilled all formal and eligibility criteria.
Following the official endorsement of the projects by the Monitoring Committee, the lead partners will be informed individually by the SEE JTS, in an official letter, about the outcome of the applications they have submitted. As some of the projects have been approved with conditions, the letters will detail in those cases the specific requirements they need to comply with.
The next call of the SEE Programme will probably be launched in September. The exact date will be communicated in due time - please check our website regularly for up to date information.
Entry created by Elke Dall on April 21, 2009
Modified on April 21, 2009