News archive - “SEE-ERA.NET Award for RTD Infrastructure Donations in the Western Balkan Countries”

In order to raise awareness of this problem among the general public
and among relevant stakeholders (such as science policy makers,
potential donors etc.), the upcoming Slovenian EU-presidency and the project SEE-ERA.NET will organise an award for donations of scientific equipment within the frame of RTD collaboration with the Western Balkan countries.

There are huge differences among Western Balkan countries’ research systems regardsing humam resources or legislation for example.
But, a common problem is that due to the poor financial situation of research institutions, the means for modernisation of scientific infrastructure
are limited (i.e. research facilities, scientific equipment, laboratories, libraries, computerization, and Internet infrastructure). Private funding from the enterprise sector has also remained low and is unlikely to substantially increase over the coming years.
International donors have only occasionally shown interest in investing
in the modernisation of research facilities and laboratories.
Therefore, it can be said that in the region of the Western Balkan countries science and research institutions are still in urgent need of international support with regard to research infrastructure development.

Implementation of the award

Until the end of September 2007, SEE-ERA.NET partners from WBCs will collect information to compile a list of the most urgent infrastructure needs in the WBC. With this information potential donors (research and technology organisations as well as universities with regard to second hand research infrastructure, philanthropic organisations, development assistance organisations etc.) from EU and other developed European countries will be approached and invited to take action in this important field.
Donations envisaged in this context will be either in the form of (second hand) scientific equipment or financial means to purchase/develop the infrastructure needed in WBCs with a value expected to be above 20.000 euro. The donations and the donors will then be presented during a special EU presidency event in Ljubljana, Slovenia and a special award will be given to outstanding projects selected by an international committee.
The event will be organised together with a meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in the first half of 2008.
Further information will be accessible via /link/2199.html and the SEE-ERA.NET website end of September 2007.

Article published in eJournal summer 2007.

Slavi Krusič
Miroslav Polzer

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 4, 2007
Modified on September 4, 2007