News archive - JRC Enlargement and Integration Action for 2009

Training possibilities at Joint Research Centre

The JRC Enlargement and Integration Action for 2009 (E&IA 2009) has been published on the web page of the JRC at

To support the EU policies, the JRC promotes the integration of the EU New Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidate Countries in the European Research Area (ERA) and assists them in particular through an increased participation in the relevant JRC activities by offering both training as well as mobility possibilities.

The JRC Enlargement and Integration Action 2009 is focused on:

* the two New Member States NMS (Bulgaria and Romania),
* FP7 Associated Countries FP7 AC (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland),
* EU Candidate Countries CC (Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey),
* Potential Candidate countries PCC (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro), as well as
* at ad hoc basis on the European Neighbourhood Policy Partner Countries ENPPC.

The E&IA 2009 is composed of two main related instruments:

1) Workshops and Training Course on Advanced Methods and Techniques for EU policies

Because of the institutional links and the limited capacity, the participants to the workshops will be designated directly by the respective Permanent Representations and the Missions to the EU in co-operation with the JRC National Contact Points.

2) Opportunities for Seconded National Experts (information on the Call for Expression of Interest)

In conjunction with the previous activity, the JRC offers a number of short-to-medium-term job openings which are available for Seconded National Experts (with a preference for 12 months depending on the position and area) - see website for details.

Source:,[tt_news]=2355&no_cache=1&fromealert=1, as accessed on May 15, 2009.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 13, 2009
Modified on May 13, 2009