The South East European Research Centre invites applications for studying towards a PhD degree of the University of Sheffield, through the Doctoral Programme of SEERC. The deadline for applying is May 25, 2010.
News archive - Call for PhD Applications at SEERC
The PhD programme is run jointly by the University of Sheffield and CITY College – International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, under a joint supervision scheme. The programme is hosted by the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Once again this year, the University of Sheffield will be offering a small number of fee waiver positions for students to obtain PhDs through SEERC in Thessaloniki. The fee waivers are decided on the criterion of academic excellence and cover tuition fees and not living expenses.
Details concerning the available research topics and the application submission process can be found in the Call for Applications.
Source: SEERC website.
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 8, 2010
Modified on April 8, 2010