News archive - European Research Council concludes first Advanced Grant competition
The ERC Scientific Council has announced the results of the first ERC Advanced Grants competition, which has just been successfully concluded. The prestigious ERC Advanced Grant, of up to € 3.5 million for 5 years, is targeted at outstanding, established research leaders, who will perform their research in any EU member state or associated country. The Scientific Council expects that at least 275 grants will be awarded in this call, with a total budget of € 542 million.
In total, 2167 proposals were submitted to this call. The average age of the grantees is 51 years, which reflects the solid experience of the target group of this grant scheme. The percentage of female grantees is around 12 % with large variations between the different domains and panels. The top 275 grantees represent 26 nationalities and will be working in host institutions in 23 different countries. As regards researcher mobility, 6 grantees are moving to an EU member state or associated county from outside, to take up their grant. Of these, 3 are nationals of the USA.
The distribution of proposals per domain is the following: 41.5% in Physical Sciences and Engineering, 30.5% in Life Sciences, 17.5% in Social Sciences and Humanities and 10.5% in the Interdisciplinary Research domain.
Unfortunately there are no researchers or host institutions from the Western Balkan countries involved in the sucessful proposals.
Source: ERC newsletter of November 11, 2008.
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 10, 2008
Modified on November 11, 2008