News archive - [Event Announcement] ICT Spring Europe 2011
ICT Spring is a worldwide two days event (June 28 to 29) which brings together more than 1.500 ICT executives from Europe, America, Africa and Asia. ICT spring focuses on Innovation and its lifecycle. During two days, ICT executives will attend conferences, workshops, business speed-dating sessions and high-level meetings which will give them an opportunity to network and exchange with the brightest worldwide minds of the industry, being informed of the last ICT issues and technologies on a worldwide scale.
ICT key markets’ latest available revolutions will be unveiled and the upcoming ICT topics will be discussed (more than 140 demos of 10’ and 4 keynotes and panels in plenary sessions).
The Trade Fair part of the event will also give concrete examples of those innovations and business opportunities through 5 different “villages” (Online Business & Gaming, Infrastructure & Telecom, Funding & Finance, Cloud & e-Hosted Solutions, Advisory & Consulting) gathering firms’ stands through each innovation steps: R&D, Startups, Funding /Private Equity, Business Partners & Applications, Market & Strategic Consulting.
Start-ups will be the stars of the show. Coming from all continents, 80 startups will be invited to present the last innovations and tomorrows services used by professionals and consumers.
Among others, the programme also includes networking activities. To read the conference programme, please click here.
Registration fees: 287,5 € for one day/460 € for two days/ free registration if a registration code is provided.
Please click here to proceed to the online registration form.
Source: Conference Website.
From: 29 June 2011
To: 30 June 2011
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 20, 2011
Modified on May 31, 2011