News archive - PRACE Award 2010: Call for Papers
The PRACE project - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe - is calling for papers by European students and young scientists. The author of the award winning paper will have the opportunity to give a keynote talk on the work during the Opening Session of International Supercomputing Conference in May 2010.
The Call for Papers is dedicated to the following research areas:
• Algorithms or implementations that can expose scalability on many thousands of processors
• A breakthrough in science achieved with massively parallel high performance or hybrid computing resources
• Novel approaches to evaluate the performance of applications on massively parallel or hybrid architectures
Call details
Full papers of not more than eight pages should be submitted to by January 11, 2010. Papers are accepted only in pdf format, and the language has to be English.
Please indicate in your accompanying email the name and address of the corresponding author and the topic area (also please mention that you wish for your paper to be considered for the PRACE Award). Papers will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers and will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insights and potential for long-term contribution. By submitting a paper, you agree to present the paper at ISC’10 in Hamburg, Germany; presenters need to be registered ISC’10 participants.
Winner receives scholarship and may give keynote speech
The winner chosen by the ISC Award Committee will receive a PRACE sponsorship for the participation in a training event or a conference relevant to petascale computing. The author of the PRACE Award winning paper will have the opportunity to give a keynote talk on the work during the ISC’10 Scientifi c Sessions on Monday, May 31, 2010.
Further information:
- Europe
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 10, 2009
Modified on December 10, 2009