News archive - Results from SEE-ERA.NET Accompanying Measures

SEE-ERA.NET has funded several accompanying measures such as the herman Potočnik Noordung Award and the International Conference on Evaluation and Benchmarking.

Herman Potočnik Noordung Award ceremony – Ljubljana, 13 June 2008

On the occasion of the meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries, which took place in Ljubljana on 13 June, participants highlighted the actions and programmes leading to a stronger integration of Western Balkan Countries into European Research Area. This integration depends greatly on the modernisation and renewal of the research infrastructure, one of the most urgent needs of all Western Balkan Countries. Therefore science and research institutions in the region still need international support with regard to the research infrastructure development.

In order to raise awareness of this problem in the general public and among relevant stakeholders, the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the SEE-ERA.NET project consortium have launched the HERMAN POTOČNIK-NOORDUNG AWARD for donations within the framework of RTD collaboration with Western Balkan Countries.
The essence of this initiative has been to invite potential donors (research and technology organisations, universities, philanthropic organisations, scientific organisations and private companies) from EU and other European countries to join our activities and donate for the development of infrastructure and research equipment in Western Balkans Countries.
The initiative has resulted in positive echo and response from many addressees. By the end of May, 2008 Selection Committee received three positive responses. Two of them - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and Slovenian company Sava that have already donated research equipment for Western Balkan research institutions.
During the Herman Potočnik - Nordung Award Ceremony, which was held in Ljubljana City Museum on June 13, 2008, Slovenian Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Mrs Mojca Kuclar Dolinar thanked the representatives of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and Slovenian company Sava for their donation of research equipment for Western Balkan research institutions.
Some potential donors also suggested extending the period for donations. Therefore the Selection Committee for the award decided to further support the initiative by extending collection of equipment and setting November 30, 2008 as the final date for applications for the Award. We would still like to encourage potential donoers to get in touch with the initiative. Details are available at the website:

For futher information:
Slavi Krusic
Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology - Slovenia



SEE-ERA.NET’s International Conference on Evaluation and Benchmarking

October 8-9, 2008 in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia

A systematic approach to the different types of R&D evaluation is of interest for in Western Balkan Countries (WBC). For this reason, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany and the Ministry of Education and Science of the FYR of Macedonia jointly organised an International Conference on Evaluation and Benchmarking of research institutions in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia on October 8-9, 2008. This conference contributed to the discussion of approaches and criteria for evaluation and benchmarking of R&D Institutions by offering expertise and European standards for a dialogue between the policy makers and the science community in WBC.

The overall aims are to raise awareness of the subject of R&D evaluation and benchmarking, to introduce European “good practice” and to reach consensus on possible approaches to evaluation and benchmarking in the R&D system to be applied in the WBC. An underlying objective is to foster the integration of the WBC into the European Research Area and to contribute to the enlargement process.

The target audience of the conference were policy makers responsible for the funding of R&D organisations in WBC as well as high level representatives from academies of sciences, universities and research institutions in the WBC. In addition, this conference addressed scientists and experts from governmental and research institutions from other SEE-ERA.NET partner countries and decision makers from the European Commission.

The Southeast European Era-Net SEE-ERA.NET is a networking project aimed at integrating EU member states and Southeast European countries in the European Research Area by linking research activities within existing national, bilateral and regional RTD programmes. As a so-called Accompanying Measure to the Pilot Joint Call for research and networking projects of SEE-ERA.NET, this conference is financed by all 14 countries participating in SEE-ERA.NET.

For further information:

Ralf Hanatschek
International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the Project Management Agency

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Entry created by Elke Dall on November 15, 2008
Modified on November 20, 2008