News archive - Workshop and Brokerage Event for Transport and Logistics SMEs: Deadline Approaching

A 2B LOCO Workshop and Brokerage event will take place in Opatija (Croatia) in Croatian and English language. The events will be held together with the “Transport Systems 2011” symposium of Croatian scientific society for transport.The participation is free of charge.

Online registration is required by April 15, 2011.

The B2B LOCO Workshop and Brokerage event (BE) under the title "Transport and logistics SMEs: Cooperation and competition" are devoted not only to transport and logistics enterprises but to the other, mainly manufacturing and retail enterprises having substantial transport and logistics needs. In the broader sense Workshop and BE can be useful to other stakeholders, like transport and logistics associations, freight integrators and state and local administration, all being involved in the process of transportation and business system development and performance. Workshop and BE focus is, understandably, on so dominant number of uncoordinated truck carriers but in the same time the players from all other modes of transport must not be excluded as the most efficient transportation supposes integration across all included in transport and logistics services production.

The objective of the Workshop and BE is to present to participants the current and future transportation market across EU in the light of competition and cooperation between SMEs primarily on the base of the results of the newest EU Framework Programme projects. That way FP projects will come closer to SMEs having no time to study projects’ deliverables and in the same time giving additional motives to the SMEs to participate in the preparation and execution of new FP projects together with other firms and RTD community.

Please click here for further information and registration.

Date: 28 April 2011 from 00:00 to 00:00

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 14, 2011
Modified on March 2, 2011