News archive - [Event Announcement] AGORADA 2011: How to support service innovation

Join practitioners in economic development at the EURADA annual conference organised in cooperation with Take It Up, a project funded by the European Commission's CIP Programme within the framework of the Europe Innova Initiative in order to:

- Learn about the results of Europe INNOVA projects and of other initiatives
- Exchange experience on:
- Financial Support Services to SMEs
- Support Services to Innovative Enterprises
- New Approaches to Business Partnerships and Networks
- Imagine how to add new services to your portfolio of activities
- Meet representatives of the European Commission
- Participate on Thursday 12 May 2011 in a working lunch with EU representatives
- Take part in the General Assembly of the EURADA members


Join in on the debate on how to support service innovation

Brussels, 12/13 May 2011

Do not miss the opportunity to get fresh insights on financial support services to innovative SMEs and new approaches to business partnerships and networks:

New support services - INNOVA Europe has started drafting a report on "Feasibility Study on new forms of support to foster SMEs innovation capacity". The report will try to identify what types of support to help SMEs are trendy, under what forms these supports can be provided and which actors are most active with regard to setting up new schemes.
A review of current thoughts will be presented by Bart KAMP (INNOVA Europe)

Crowdfunding - Literally "funding by the crowd", crowdfunding consists in financing projects by individuals using the social networks on the Internet. After having proved themselves in financing works of art (films, CD, design objects…), this financing technique now takes the form of loans and venture capital for SMEs.

Intellectual property fund - The valorisation of the results of research projects remains one weakness of the cycle going from the research idea to its introduction on the market. The European Investment Fund (EIF) has been supporting for a few years five pilot projects in this area, one of which of the University of Leuven (B) mainly aiming at valorizing the results of projects in the medical field in the form of licenses given to companies.
Patrick CHALTIN (KU Leuven/CD3)

Microsoft Incubator Centre - Based in Mons (B), MIC is a private/public partnership between Microsoft and the Walloon Region (B) aiming at supporting the regional economic development based on ICTs.
MIC's objective is to help each year five to ten local health and wellness software start-ups start their activities. MIC offers training services, assistance for the creation of innovating SMEs and support to innovative projects through calls for projects.
Pierre LECLERCQ (AWEX - Wallonia Export and Investment)

Imp³rove - A project financed within the framework of the Europe Innova programme with a view to strengthening the innovation management capacities.
The project is structured around:
- the evaluation of the innovation capacity of enteprises,
- the Imp³rove Academy, the training of advisers,
- Imp³rove Research, the exploitation of the data gathered concernering innovative practices,
- Imp³rove Partnership, in order to network the various partners of the innovation process.
Eva DIEDRICHS (A.T. Kearney GmbH)

Technology showcases - This concept, supported by Quebec's Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export, aims at helping SMEs make a first sale while enabling them to demonstrate to potential customers, in real exploitation conditions, the efficency of their product/service.
Justine PAWELEC (Delegation of Quebec)

Open Innovation - What to do in order to support or establish such a process at regional level?
Gilles CAPART (auXin S.A.)

More information on EURADA's website.

Eurada asbl - TEL. +32 2 218 43 13 -


Source: e-mail by organisers, eurada website

From: 12 May 2011
To: 13 May 2011

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 27, 2011
Modified on April 27, 2011