News archive - Call for Western Balkan Diaspora ICT Researchers
In order to further enhance its networking opportunities, WINS-ICT is currently identifying and seeking to cooperate with Western Balkan Diaspora members who are involved in ICT RTD and who participate in EU funded ICT research projects.
Who better than the Diaspora knows the WBC, is aware of the difficulties they face, but also the strengths they have? And who better than the Diaspora would be willing to cooperate and to launch EU-WBC research collaborations?
Therefore, if your country of origin is one of the WBC, if you work for an organisation, university, research centre etc. in the EU and if you are involved in ICT RTD, WINS-ICT would like to get in touch with you to explore how you could help the interested organisations in your country of origin. Activities could include:
- Registering the company you currently work for and your contact name in the ICT contact database so that you are visible for colleagues from the WBC and
- being invited to participate and present your organisation at the brokerage and networking events we organise (the next ones will be at the ICT 2010 event in Brussels in September and at eChallenges in Warsaw in October).
If you are interested and wish to be involved in our activities or inserted in our database, or if you have any ideas on how we can further improve the participation of the WB stakeholders in EU projects, please contact:
We really hope that we can mobilise the Western Balkan Diaspora to give stakeholders from your countries of origin a hand at participating in European ICT research.
Best regards from the Wins-ICT team!
Desiree Pecarz, Wins-ICT coordinator
WINS-ICT is a support action funded under the FP7 Program in order to enhance ICT research and development cooperation opportunities between the Western Balkan region and the EU (
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 13, 2010
Modified on September 13, 2010