News archive - [Event Announcement] Hungarian presidency: FP7 space conference 2011
In the mid-term of the current 7th Research Framework Programme, the European Commission, supported by the Hungarian EU Presidency, will organise an international Conference on Space Research to provide the opportunity for Community financed research consortia to present their achievements from first years of space research under FP7.
The conference will take place on 12-13 May 2011 at the Marriott in Budapest , and will cover all the topics covered by the FP7 Space Work Programme, e.g.:
- Space research to monitor environment and climate;
- Space research for sustainable economic growth;
- Space research for the service of citizens;
- Understand and explore the universe and the solar system;
- Development new space technologies;
- Solar-earth interactions;
- Humans in space;
- Future directions in European Space research programmes:
- Aspects of international cooperation in space endeavours.
The conference will be accompanied by an exhibition and demonstrations by selected research projects.
Enclosed you will find a first outline of the draft conference programme. The conference will, after a plenary session, split into 2 parallel sessions on:
- Monitoring the Earth - Land / Waters / Air / Space for a safer world
- Space Exploration / Science / Technologies / Transportation and Propulsion
In these sessions, selected project consortia will present scientific and technological results from their work to the international audience.
The conference will also include a high-level round table discussion on future directions of EU space research.
Please find below further background material concerning this event, including the draft programme.
Downloads :
- Conference programme
(540 KB)
- Conference outline
(82 KB)
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on April 25, 2011
Modified on April 26, 2011