News archive - [Event Announcement] 3rd International Technology Transfer Conference (Oct. 7-8)
The 3rd International Technology Transfer Conference, organised by the Jožef Stefan Institute and TechnoCenter at the University of Maribor in cooperation with the National Institute of Chemistry, National Institute of Biology, University of Nova Gorica (RRA SP) and the University of Ljubljana will be held in Ljubljana and Maribor, Slovenia on October 7 - 8, 2010.
The conference targets researchers of public research organizations (PROs) in Europe with the aim of increasing awareness and knowledge about technology transfer processes and their necessity. It is also targeted at enterprises, seeking collaboration with public research organizations.
The Conference is subdivided into three modules:
- Theoretical views on technology-transfer principles - Technology transfer as a scientific discipline
- Collaborative research between PROs and large enterprises
- Spin offing procedures
At the Workshop, particular attention will be given to the implementation and applications of the above-mentioned technology transfer principles in collaborative research and spin-offing with a special focus on implementation of these principles.
Please click here to see the full conference programme.
All further information is available on the conference website.
From: 7 October 2010
To: 8 October 2010
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 1, 2010
Modified on July 27, 2010