News archive - Event Announcement: European Association of Development Agencies - AGORADA 2008

The European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) will be holding its annual conference AGORADA 2008, entitled 'Towards better RDA-University partnerships for regional economic development', March 6-7, in Brussels, Belgium.

The event aims to give participants the chance to join 100 practitioners in economic development in order to share visions on the role of universities in regional development, entrepreneurship and private-public partnerships and regional research strategy.

The two day event will also offer a forum to exchange experiences, meet representatives of the European University Association and participate in a working lunch with EU representatives.

There will also be a General Assembly of EURADA members.

Participation Fee is € 325

Further information:

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 14, 2008
Modified on February 14, 2008